I made a logo for Big in Japan. It’s done in Corel Draw so we can resize it as necessary. It’s based a little bit on my “angry baby” t-shirt from Thailand, and also on photos of sumo wrestlers I found on the Internet.

Revised it a bit after I figured out how to make a “Rising Sun” in Corel Draw. 😀

Hah it looks as if he’s blowing a big red balloon out of his ass =P
yeah THAT part i modeled after you!
Then I am most honored!
KAWAII! ^_______^
Exploding balloon!! =P
I like the first one better because the title doesnt get lost as much with the rays.
Maybe I’d make the word “big” bigger and see how that works.
I’d make the stroke for his mouth end in a dog so that it doesnt have angled edges I dont know how to do that in corel, i use illustrator. But Im sure it should be available under stroke options, though.
And finally, the feet of the guy. They look like they’re pointing out to the side as opposed to pointing towards the viewer. I realize that in reality they’re in almost a 45 degree angle, but now its giving the impression that they’re just pointing to the sides.
Das it! =P
yeah i think the rays allow me more options for messing around with the text. i’ll play around with that. i think i know how to change the ends of the lines in corel, but i might just redraw the mouth to look more like a brush stroke instead of just a line. the feet are ok, i think. that’s how sumo wrestlers stand when they first set up their pose… kinda pigeon-toed. thanks yo!
OR you could make the dude come out from inside the red circle (bottom hidden, top overlaid, and same pose as now, too) and then it’d give it a bit of a literal sense to the title! You could then like arch the title, and things like that. Oh the posibilities.
these are awesome 😀
i love the new robot proof thingie!
and the logos are sweet! i like the first one more for some reason, but they are both awesome 😀
that’s all kinds of fun!