by Kevin Thom | Sep 24, 2008 | Photography, Random Thoughts
Here’s the latest new thing. It’s a camera made from the skull of a 13 year-old girl. It couldn’t make this stuff up, folks. Expect to see photos from this thing in the top favs of dA any minute now.
by Kevin Thom | Sep 4, 2008 | Random Thoughts
Step: Notice shoes on the floor between my location and the stairs. Make mental note not to trip on shoes. Turn off lights. Walk towards stairs. Trip on shoes. Brain tired. Sleep.
by Kevin Thom | Jun 22, 2008 | Random Thoughts
I have never seen an omelette made with chicken in it. Is it wrong to mix the adult animal with its ovum? It strikes me as odd, yet also logical.
by Kevin Thom | Jun 16, 2008 | Random Thoughts
Here’s something cool I found through Zura’s blog. It’s Wordle, which makes word art from text you paste in. In this case, it’s my Asian Wrap blog entry.
by Kevin Thom | Jun 13, 2008 | Photography, Random Thoughts
I love the little stories that are everywhere. For instance, I got this ten dollar bill as change at the grocery store. It makes me wonder what was the story behind the note scribbled on the front of it. Was the guy unable to make it to the nearest Hallmark store...
by Kevin Thom | May 28, 2008 | Improv, Personal, Random Thoughts
I can’t believe I didn’t know about this sooner, but The Onion has video reports now. They’re done in the same dead-serious tone as their print reports, with full cable news network production quality. I’m addicted. This one, for improvisers...