by Kevin Thom | Dec 26, 2009 | Advanced, Intermediate, Philosophy, Travel
Today I spent some time thinking back to my trip to Thailand in February, 2005. It was just a couple of short months after the giant tsunami hit the southern parts of the country on December 26, 2004, causing massive devastation and a heartbreaking loss of life. I was...
by Kevin Thom | Oct 27, 2009 | Advanced, Intermediate, Tips
Okay here’s a little bonus entry for all of you beginner night photographers. Ever notice how hard it is to get a proper exposure of something that’s lit up at night? If you do a long exposure of that lit subject, it ends up that the rest of the photo is...
by Kevin Thom | Aug 20, 2009 | Advanced, Intermediate
I took a little road trip down to New York City with my improv team to perform in the Del Close Marathon. I thought it might be a great opportunity to spend some time with my new friend, the Hartblei 65mm f3.5 Super-Rotator. It’s a tilt-shift lens that can...
by Kevin Thom | Jul 19, 2009 | Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate, Philosophy, Tips
I was thinking today about the concept of gratitude, and how important it is in creating your own reality. If you’re like me, and you believe that you create your own reality by choosing what deserves your attention, you can see that this concept makes an easy...
by Kevin Thom | Jul 12, 2009 | Beginner, Intermediate, Tips
There’s a secret that most photographers know, and that you should know too if you want to start taking great photos. It’s the secret of “The Golden Hour.” What is the Golden Hour? Put simply, it’s that time of day when everything just...
by Kevin Thom | Sep 19, 2008 | Beginner, Intermediate, Philosophy, Tips
I’m a firm believer that there are rules that need to be broken, in art especially. I think it’s important that you should know what the rules are first, live by them when it suits you, and fold, spindle and mutilate the hell out of them when it suits you...