Remembering the tsunami

Today I spent some time thinking back to my trip to Thailand in February, 2005. It was just a couple of short months after the giant tsunami hit the southern parts of the country on December 26, 2004, causing massive devastation and a heartbreaking loss of life. I was...

Photo density

One thing that’s been rattling around in my head is a philosophy relating to the composition of Chinese gardens. I read it on a sign in a museum in Suzhou. So sparse as to let a horse walk. So dense as not to let breeze in. This principle can also relate to the...

Shoot what you love

It baffles me when I hear other photographers complaining about things they have to shoot, whether it’s commercial work, weddings, portraits, nudes, etc. Ok, well scratch that last one. I’ve never heard anyone complain about shooting nudes. So why do...

Photography vs. Improv

I’ve been thinking a lot about improv lately, and how it has changed my life since I started in November 2002. Improv made a lot of sense to me at the time, and continues to do so today. So many of the lessons I’ve learned in improv, I’ve been able...