Home plate

I had a good day yesterday. Someone gave me tickets to see the Blue Jays game, so I took Dad with me. It brought back memories of Dad taking the family to see the game. Of course, back then, the Blue Jays actually had a fighting chance of winning. These days, the odds...

Jully Black

I went to see Jully Black tonight at the Hamilton Place Studio Theatre. What a great show. The venue was small and intimate, with tables set up on the floor. I didn’t know what to expect, since I don’t know much about her music. I went because Laura bought...

Montreal deja vu

I was back in Montreal for the long weekend. It was a bit weird being there as a visitor, instead of as a resident. We stayed in the Intercontinental, at the bottom of Bleury. It is right on the fringe of Old Montreal, which meant I got to see a bit more of that area,...

See ya Bill

Bill Gates left Microsoft today, to pursue his philanthropic causes. I have to say that I really admire Bill Gates. I say this with all seriousness: it’s not easy to be on top. When you are number one at anything, you are the target of all the haters everywhere....

Totally floored

The new floor is done, thus completing the final large component of my renovations this year. I can’t say enough good things about End of the Roll and their installer, Jean Paul. The flooring itself was about $1-2 per square foot cheaper than equivalent stuff at...


This is probably excessive, but what the hell. You only live once. It’s delicious.