Dining at the Vinyl Cafe

Stuart Maclean’s Vinyl Cafe was at Hamilton Place last night. I’ve been a fan of the show for years, so I was thrilled when my friend Lissa gave me tickets to see the show as a delayed birthday gift. If you’ve never heard the show, you can check it...

A gift

A squirrel dropped off this cookie on the window sill by my computer. I think he was shocked to see me sitting here. Our beady eyes met, and then he fled, spooked. Perhaps he had hoped to surprise me with this gift. I try to avoid sugars and starches, but I...

Say hello to my little friend

I got a new phone yesterday. I’m still learning the ropes, but I think I’ll be happy with my sexy little Touch Diamond. Renewing my contract with Bell was a bit of a nightmare. Their initial offer to existing subscribers like me is significantly worse than...

Sausage stir fry

Second food entry of the day! Maybe this is becoming that food blog that Hesi told me I should make? Anyway, here’s another easy cave-friendly recipe. Heat up a pan with a little bit of water in the bottom. Not too much water, maybe half a cup. In the meantime,...