by Kevin Thom | Mar 27, 2006 | Improv
I feel good about my improv right now. It feels like it’s been a long climb back up from the closure of the Staircase, when I was getting on stage at least once a week with people I knew very well. Now I’m playing mostly Toronto, with people I don’t...
by Kevin Thom | Feb 20, 2006 | Improv
Tonight capped off a pretty good weekend. Big in Japan did a show at The Oasis, after a very decent rehearsal yesterday. We’re gelling nicely as a team, now that casting has been stabilized. It was a blast playing with this comfortable group of improvisers. The...
by Kevin Thom | Jan 16, 2006 | Improv, Personal, Photography
It’s been a long time since I’ve written in my blog. I didn’t mean to neglect it, but it seems that craziness has ensued. I kind of decided to work harder this year, because I think 2005 was the Year of Leisure. 2006 is the Year of Digging Out from...
by Kevin Thom | Oct 31, 2005 | General, Improv, Personal, Photography
I had a pretty good night tonight. I was out front of the building with a few of the other people who live here, handing out candy to the trick or treaters. It was very cool, since we rarely all get together to do something, even though there are only about 15 people...
by Kevin Thom | Oct 3, 2005 | Improv, Personal, Photography
Out of pure shame, I must write a blog entry about the various events of the past few weeks. There’s nothing terribly significant, but there is stuff that I’ve meant to write about and didn’t. Movie: The Exorcism of Emily Rose I found it very scary....
by Kevin Thom | Aug 19, 2005 | Improv
I was nervous about performing Crazy Eights in Toronto. The best improvisors in the world are there now, and quite a few of them were in the audience watching. It was a bit of a wild ride. It took us a while to find some space to rehearse the format before going on,...