What diet?

I’ve been eating like a caveman since August, and having a great time with it. Frequently, people tell me how sorry they feel for me because of what I don’t eat (pastas, breads, refined sugar, processed food, etc.) but I never have really felt sorry for...


Ok, this kind of freaked me out. My sister, who is visiting here from Seattle with her boyfriend, found this photo in an old family photo album: It’s a picture of my dad in 1979, holding my sister, coming home from the maternity ward. It was weird to see how...

The Joy Luck Club sucks

I found this old essay online today, titled Why the Joy Luck Club Sucks. I was happy to find it, because for years I’ve had the same opinion, yet whenever I’d tell people that I hated this film, they would say, “Why? It’s such a great...

Paul Potts Polpot

I flew into Montreal for my last weekly trip for a while. Montreal looked ghostly as I arrived. It was snowing yet again, and as the plane descended through the clouds, I saw that the entire city was cloaked in shades of white. On the tarmac, airplanes coasted...