by Kevin Thom | May 1, 2008 | General
Well, I’ve finally got my furniture moved around. It helped enormously that some university students found my Craigslist ad for my old desk and picked that up for $25. I also sold them the Couch From Hell, my 200 lbs of pull out bed from the 70s. That was a...
by Kevin Thom | May 1, 2008 | Random Thoughts
Another problem… Uh oh.
by Kevin Thom | Apr 24, 2008 | Random Thoughts
The Wacom tablet and I are becoming good friends. Clearly, I’m not going to be putting Da Vinci out of business anytime soon, if he even is in business…
by Kevin Thom | Apr 23, 2008 | Random Thoughts
For those who have given up on having a girlfriend, ever. Pants with a built in keyboard.
by Kevin Thom | Apr 22, 2008 | Personal
I decided to undertake the task of moving my computer today. Anyone who’s been here before knows that my computer desk arrangement was stupid. It is probably the smallest computer desk in existence, and not exactly practical. I’m surprised I don’t...