
Fresh blueberries, strawberries, almonds and yogurt. I love summer. I forgot to add the ground flax seed before taking the picture, but it was mixed into the final product. The flax seed slows down your body’s absorption of the fruit, so you get more bang for...

Oniony Goodness

I can’t believe I didn’t know about this sooner, but The Onion has video reports now. They’re done in the same dead-serious tone as their print reports, with full cable news network production quality. I’m addicted. This one, for improvisers...

Cave lunch

Today’s lunch was omelet with that classic combo of smoked salmon, red onion and capers. Yum.

Chaos ensues

Just in case I forget what chaos accompanied this painting, here’s a photo. As you can see, I’m washing the Black and Decker PaintStick, which we’ve named the Slave Driver. It’s called the Slave Driver because if you put it down for any...

What’s up lately

I haven’t posted much about what’s going in in my life lately. Nothing bad is happening. Lots of good things have, actually. Here’s a few highlights: Jason Mraz concert with Hesi. That was a lot of fun. We got there late, thinking we’d missed...