See ya Bill

Bill Gates left Microsoft today, to pursue his philanthropic causes. I have to say that I really admire Bill Gates. I say this with all seriousness: it’s not easy to be on top. When you are number one at anything, you are the target of all the haters everywhere....

Is it wrong?

I have never seen an omelette made with chicken in it. Is it wrong to mix the adult animal with its ovum? It strikes me as odd, yet also logical.

Straight not narrow

I shot a photo the other night for the organization Heterosexuals for Same Sex Equality. The campaign is called Straight Not Narrow. They’d asked me to include the words “Straight Not Narrow” in the photo, but after much thought, I couldn’t...

Accessory to the crime

I was hired to shoot a few full days for Mazda Canada, producing images of accessories for their website and brochures. That was fun. I finally found a use for that 24mm macro lens that I bought about 6 years ago. Hero shots! 😛


Here’s something cool I found through Zura’s blog. It’s Wordle, which makes word art from text you paste in. In this case, it’s my Asian Wrap blog entry.