by Kevin Thom | Sep 19, 2008 | Beginner, Intermediate, Philosophy, Tips
I’m a firm believer that there are rules that need to be broken, in art especially. I think it’s important that you should know what the rules are first, live by them when it suits you, and fold, spindle and mutilate the hell out of them when it suits you...
by Kevin Thom | Sep 17, 2008 | Personal, Photography
I subscribed to American Photo, Photo Life and GQ yesterday. I was on a bit of a binge. All of these provide me with inspiration for style and imagery. OK I can speak for American Photo and GQ, but I’ve never seen Photo Life. Apparently it’s Canadian....
by Kevin Thom | Sep 13, 2008 | Photography
Laura and I have been talking about re-doing classic and iconic images combining my photography with her own artistic ideas and mythology of the inner world. One of them that we’ve been planning was Boticelli’s Birth of Venus, which is as iconic as they...
by Kevin Thom | Sep 4, 2008 | Geeky
Everyone in the geekworld has been talking about Google’s new Chrome browser lately, and for good reason. I feel bad for Opera, who has been around for ages and has created a pretty damned good browser, but still gets no respect. Opera is at version 9.5, and...
by Kevin Thom | Sep 4, 2008 | Random Thoughts
Step: Notice shoes on the floor between my location and the stairs. Make mental note not to trip on shoes. Turn off lights. Walk towards stairs. Trip on shoes. Brain tired. Sleep.