by Kevin Thom | Nov 10, 2009 | General
There was a story in the Hamilton Spectator today about the potential changes to traffic in Hamilton if we went ahead with a proposed light rail transit system. Businesses in the city seem concerned about the impact that light rail will have. In my opinion, there will...
by Kevin Thom | Nov 4, 2009 | Philosophy
One thing that’s been rattling around in my head is a philosophy relating to the composition of Chinese gardens. I read it on a sign in a museum in Suzhou. So sparse as to let a horse walk. So dense as not to let breeze in. This principle can also relate to the...
by Kevin Thom | Nov 4, 2009 | Thailand 2009
I’m writing this entry from home, because the last few days of my trip passed in a blur. During the wedding ceremony, the temperature hit about 41 degrees C. I got a pretty nasty case of heat stroke and passed out. Yikes. That was embarrassing. Fortunately, I...
by Kevin Thom | Oct 30, 2009 | Thailand 2009
It’s been a pretty busy couple of days here in Bangkok. I’m doing my best to help with the wedding, which is turning out to be a massive affair. Today, I was part of a really beautiful traditional Thai engagement ceremony. I don’t have photos of it,...
by Kevin Thom | Oct 27, 2009 | Advanced, Intermediate, Tips
Okay here’s a little bonus entry for all of you beginner night photographers. Ever notice how hard it is to get a proper exposure of something that’s lit up at night? If you do a long exposure of that lit subject, it ends up that the rest of the photo is...