Modernizing the west

There was a story in the Hamilton Spectator today about the potential changes to traffic in Hamilton if we went ahead with a proposed light rail transit system. Businesses in the city seem concerned about the impact that light rail will have. In my opinion, there will...

Photo density

One thing that’s been rattling around in my head is a philosophy relating to the composition of Chinese gardens. I read it on a sign in a museum in Suzhou. So sparse as to let a horse walk. So dense as not to let breeze in. This principle can also relate to the...

The Asian blur

I’m writing this entry from home, because the last few days of my trip passed in a blur. During the wedding ceremony, the temperature hit about 41 degrees C. I got a pretty nasty case of heat stroke and passed out. Yikes. That was embarrassing. Fortunately, I...

Wedding of the year

It’s been a pretty busy couple of days here in Bangkok. I’m doing my best to help with the wedding, which is turning out to be a massive affair. Today, I was part of a really beautiful traditional Thai engagement ceremony. I don’t have photos of it,...