Behind the Red Bird

A few months ago, Laura Hollick and I worked with talented makeup artist and painter Sue Upton to create a photo of Laura taking off with her red bird spirit. In the shoot, we merged Sue’s painting and body-painting skills with Laura’s vision and my...

Remembering the tsunami

Today I spent some time thinking back to my trip to Thailand in February, 2005. It was just a couple of short months after the giant tsunami hit the southern parts of the country on December 26, 2004, causing massive devastation and a heartbreaking loss of life. I was...

Plotting my China trip

I found a website that calculates distances on Google Maps. I thought this might be a cool way to visualize the my trip to China. It shows the distance traveled as being about 32,681 km (including flights to and from Toronto), but I’m sure it was more than that....

Mountain Man Redux

My Mountain Man portrait of actor Ron Kebic has been one of my favorite photos in my portfolio since I shot it two years ago. I still grin whenever I see this wild looking character staring back at me. When Ron contacted me in September to ask if I’d like to do...