It’s been snowing nonstop since before I woke up yesterday morning. I highly identify with my bamboo plants. We originate from hot Asian climates! None of us is meant to live in this kind of environment…
Rocky here reminds me of myself when I was 7, trudging home from school through waist-deep snow.
Rocky is the ca-yuuutest! 🙂
awesome weather! 😀
I wish they had snow days at work 😛
Is the dog yours? How adorable! He looks like he’s swimming in the snow. Wish we had more here.
That’s some badass snow. We’re getting a crappy mix here of rain, then icing over, then snow, then melting, then icing again! Weather is wasteeeeed!
Where’d you get that math plug in .. it’d be useful to ward off spam even though I’ve gotten the basic wordpress spam preventor. Anyway off topic!
I was gonna say “Wow, that street is a world away from summer where I visited and sweated like a girly pig!!”.
You can get the math plugin here:
It has worked brilliantly so far. No spam at all!
that dog is soooo freakin’ cute! is he yours? crazy snow, man! we were going to send you a picture of us hiking here in tank tops complaining that the weather was a miserable balmy 75 degrees fahrenheit, blue skies, slight breeze… but then i thought, nah, that’s mean. so i’ll just write you about it instead. 😉