Yep, a pretty busy day today. I finished Unit 1 of the Impatient Theatre Company’s improv training. The eight-week program was a lot of fun… I met some really cool people there. Much of it was repeat material for me, but any kind of coached practice is good. I need as much of it as I can get, especially as it helped me boost my confidence after Thursday night’s disastrous display. Watching how the class was taught helped me with my own improv teaching style too. 🙂 It’s sad that the class is over now, because I probably won’t see my new friends for quite a long time. But I’m sure most of us will reconvene in Unit 2 which starts in a couple of months. :nod:
After that came some wandering around Toronto. I shopped unsuccessfully for new gloves. I shopped equally unsuccessfully for a shirt too. I took a few photos, but nothing stunning. Mainly snapshots. I found a cool place I’d like to do a fashion-type shoot some day… probably when the weather is not so freezing. This is what it looks like:
Can you see the potential? I’d love to play around with it. I’m wondering what the chain across the front of it means? Pshaw. Just a suggestion, I’m sure! 😀
After that, I met Hesi for dinner–Thai food at Young Thailand on Church Street. Yum. Pad Thai = Goodness. :drool: Tasty food, great company, interesting conversation. There was much to like about this evening. :nod:
I dropped by Manyk’s house on my way home from Toronto. He gave me a cool Manyk Photography Calendar for an early Christmas present. Thanks man!
I finish the day being satisfied that I am surrounded by great people. It’s a good thing to know. 😀
yayness on the good peopleness 🙂
i find it hard to believe the weather is ever truely freezing in toronto… everyone in guelph who hails from down in the t dot started wearing parkas once we hit like 10 degrees here! PSHAW! like to through ’em all into an Ottawa winter for a few days for a rapid acclimitazation (how much did i just butcher that word..) to guelph 😉
that is a very cool alley though 🙂
glad you had a good evening! i too had a good evening, reaffirming my belief that I will never EVER have children, and eating good food someone else cooked for me 🙂
and i got to sit on HEATED SEATS! very very cool…
and i just spent almost 2 hours working on a picture I’ve had in mind for a few days. Turned out pretty decently too! yayness!
now is sleepness time..mmmm…
Ah yaaa, I can see loads of potential in that alley!
however freezing it is it is always too freezing for me. I demand the temperature to never go below zero where i am. Never. No, the “there would be no skiing and skating” arguments don’t work for me. Screw skiing and skating i can’t stand freezing. yes.
i know that one guy with a car with heated seats. someone very gifted designed that. :nod:
And i think a picture of that alley needs to be taken at night with like one light and a long exposure and preferably a nude model or two somewhere there, then it will definately work 😉
looks like an interesting place to shoot at…and the chain, eh, well.
sounds like u two had a nice evening 😛
heated seats should be mandatory on all vehicles. like seatbelts.